Represent Yourself in Court with Confidence.
Learn to represent yourself as the plaintiff in a child support case.
Child Support Decrease
- 2: Considerations
- 3: Preparing and Presenting at the Hearing
- 3A: Determining a Change of Circumstances Decrease
- 4: Child Support Guidelines
- 5: Child Support Enforcement or a Private Case
- 6: Pro Se
- 7: Filling out the Forms
- 8: Completing the Legal Process
- 9: Filing with the Court
- 10: Serving the Other Parent
- 11: Requesting a Hearing
- 12: Preparing and Presenting at the Hearing
- 13: Court Room Decorum
Child Support Increase
- 1: Introduction - Increase in Child Support
- 2: Considerations
- 3: Preparing and Presenting at the Hearing
- 3B: Determining a Change of Circumstances Increase
- 4: Child Support Guidelines
- 5: Child Support Enforcement or a Private Case
- 6: Pro Se
- 7: Filling out the Forms
- 8: Completing the Legal Process
- 9: Filing with the Court
- 10: Serving the Other Parent
- 11: Requesting a Hearing
- 12: Preparing and Presenting at the Hearing
- 13: Court Room Decorum
For The Defendant
Everything you need to respond well as the defendant in a child support case.
- 1: What to Do if You are the Defendant
- 2: Filling out the Forms
- 3: Preparing and Presenting at the Hearing
Links used in the Videos
A list of the links referenced in the videos.
- Family Court Locations
- Modification Forms
- DSS Calculator
- Your Day In Circuit Court Video
- Pro Se Child Support Modification Decrease Guide (PDF, 667kb)
- Pro Se Child Support Modification Increase Guide (PDF, 571kb)
- Pro Se Child Support Modification Defendant Guide (PDF, 525kb)