If you lost your card, you may not need a replacement. In most cases, simply knowing your Social Security number is enough. But if you do need a replacement, we make it easy. Once you complete your application (online or in-person), you will receive your Social Security card in the mail.
Get a replacement card (replacement only. no changes) Change my name Change other information Get a Social Security Number for the first time
"Change other information" could include your sex identification, citizenship, date or place of birth corrections, or changes to your parent's names.
Driver's license State issued ID card Other form of ID Which state or district issued your identification? Back Next
We are unable to provide online options that meet your needs. Visit your local SSA office for personalized assistance with your Social Security number and card.
Sign in or create an account to submit your request
You can replace your card online and receive it in 14 days. You can also use your account to check the status of your request and manage other benefits you receive from us.
Start the application online and visit your local SSA office for additional guidance for completing your application.
Prefer to talk to someone?
You can start your Social Security number (SSN) card application online. Once you've submitted your request, visit your local SSA office for additional guidance for completing your application. You will need to give us some of the information you provided again.