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Просматривая эти примеры, обязательно найдите все термины сценариев автоматизации, которые встречаются на левой боковой панели, если их значение неясно.
metadata: name: Switch-controlled light description: When a switch is moved to the on position, turn on a light. automations: - starters: - type: device.state.OnOff device: Office Switch - Office state: on is: true actions: - type: device.command.OnOff devices: - Christmas lights - Living Room on: true
metadata: name: Nighttime dim lights and close blinds description: At 10pm, dim the lights and close the blinds. automations: - starters: - type: time.schedule at: 22:00 actions: # Adjusting brightness will automatically turn on the lights. # No need to add a separate OnOff command. - type: device.command.BrightnessAbsolute devices: - Light - Living Room brightness: 50 - type: device.command.OpenClose devices: - blinds1 - Living Room openPercent: 0
metadata: name: Person detection cameras description: When the first person comes home, turn off cameras. automations: - starters: - type: home.state.HomePresence state: homePresenceMode is: HOME actions: - type: device.command.OnOff devices: - Camera - Living room on: false
metadata: name: Empty home vacuum description: When the home is unoccupied, run the vacuum. automations: # Turn on robot vacuum when everyone is away - starters: - type: home.state.HomePresence state: homePresenceMode is: AWAY actions: - type: device.command.StartStop devices: - VACUUM - LIVING_ROOM start: true # Turn off robot vacuum when someone is home - starters: - type: home.state.HomePresence state: homePresenceMode is: HOME actions: - type: device.command.StartStop devices: - VACUUM - LIVING_ROOM start: false
metadata: name: Nighttime lights and blinds description: After dark, when the TV is on, dim the light and lower the blinds. automations: - starters: - type: device.state.OnOff device: TV - Living Room state: on is: true condition: type: time.between after: SUNSET before: SUNRISE actions: # Adjusting brightness will automatically turn on the lights. # No need to add a separate OnOff command. - type: device.command.BrightnessAbsolute devices: - Light - Living Room brightness: 5 - type: device.command.OpenClose devices: - Blind - Living Room openPercent: 0
metadata: name: Cool weather heating description: If it is cool, open blinds, turn on fans, and adjust thermostats. automations: - starters: - type: device.state.TemperatureSetting state: thermostatTemperatureAmbient device: thermostat - Family Room lessThan: 18C actions: - type: device.command.OpenClose devices: - blinds - Bedroom openPercent: 100 - type: device.command.OnOff devices: fan - Bedroom on: true - type: device.command.ThermostatTemperatureSetpoint devices: - thermostat - Family Room thermostatTemperatureSetpoint: 21C
metadata: name: Warm weather ventilation description: If it is warm, close blinds, turn on fans, and adjust thermostats. automations: - starters: - type: device.state.TemperatureSetting device: Nest Thermostat state: thermostatTemperatureAmbient greaterThan: 25C actions: - type: device.command.OpenClose devices: - blind1 - Living Room - blind2 - Bedroom openPercent: 0 - type: device.command.OnOff devices: - fan1 - Bedroom on: true - type: device.command.ThermostatTemperatureSetpoint devices: - thermostat - Bedroom thermostatTemperatureSetpoint: 22C
metadata: name: Scheduled lighting description: Turn on the lights at sunset, dim them at 10pm and turn them off at midnight. automations: # At sunset - starters: - type: time.schedule at: SUNSET actions: # Adjusting brightness will automatically turn on the lights. # No need to add a separate OnOff command. - type: device.command.BrightnessAbsolute devices: - Christmas lights - Living Room brightness: 100 # At 10 PM - starters: - type: time.schedule at: 22:00 actions: - type: device.command.BrightnessAbsolute devices: - Christmas lights - Living Room brightness: 50 # At midnight - starters: - type: time.schedule at: 00:00 actions: - type: device.command.OnOff devices: Christmas lights - Living Room on: false
metadata: name: Synchronize two lights description: If one light is turned on, turn the other on, and if one light is turned off, turn the other off. automations: - starters: - type: device.state.OnOff device: Light A - Office state: on is: true condition: type: device.state.OnOff device: Light B - Living Room state: on is: false actions: - type: device.command.OnOff devices: - Light B - Living Room on: true - starters: - type: device.state.OnOff device: Light A - Office state: on is: false condition: type: device.state.OnOff device: Light B - Living Room state: on is: true actions: - type: device.command.OnOff devices: - Light B - Living Room on: false - starters: - type: device.state.OnOff device: Light B - Living Room state: on is: true condition: type: device.state.OnOff device: Light A - Office state: on is: false actions: - type: device.command.OnOff device: Light A - Office on: true - starters: - type: device.state.OnOff device: Light B - Living Room state: on is: false condition: type: device.state.OnOff device: Light A - Office state: on is: true actions: - type: device.command.OnOff devices: - Light A - Office on: false
metadata: name: Smoke detector lights description: When smoke is detected, flash lights red and blue. automations: - starters: - type: device.state.SensorState device: Smoke Detector - Kitchen state: currentSensorStateData.SmokeLevel.currentSensorState is: high actions: # Setting color will automatically turn on the lights. # No need to add a separate OnOff command. - type: device.command.ColorAbsolute devices: - Light - Living Room color: name: "red" - type: time.delay for: 5sec - type: device.command.OnOff devices: Light - Living Room on: false - type: time.delay for: 5sec - type: device.command.ColorAbsolute devices: - Light - Living Room color: name: "blue" - type: time.delay for: 5sec - type: device.command.OnOff devices: - Light - Living Room on: false - type: time.delay for: 5sec - type: device.command.ColorAbsolute devices: - Light - Living Room color: name: "red"
metadata: name: Low air quality air purifier description: When indoor air quality is poor turn on air purifier at high speed. automations: - starters: - type: device.state.SensorState device: Air Sensor - Living Room state: currentSensorStateData.AirQuality.currentSensorState is: poor actions: - type: device.command.OnOff devices: - Air Purifier - Living Room on: true - type: device.command.SetFanSpeed devices: - Air Purifier - Living Room fanSpeed: "speed_high"
metadata: name: Nighttime unlocking lights description: At night, when a lock is unlocked, turn on the light at full brightness. automations: - starters: - type: device.state.LockUnlock device: Front Door - Living Room state: isLocked is: false condition: type: time.between after: SUNSET before: SUNRISE actions: # Adjusting brightness will automatically turn on the lights. # No need to add a separate OnOff command. - type: device.command.BrightnessAbsolute devices: - Light - Bedroom brightness: 100
metadata: name: Carbon monoxide detection lights description: When carbon monoxide is detected, flash the lights. automations: - starters: - type: device.state.SensorState device: coDetector - Living Room state: currentSensorStateData.CarbonMonoxideLevel.currentSensorState is: carbon monoxide detected actions: # Only works for lights that support Pulse effect - type: device.command.LightEffectPulse devices: - Light - Bedroom - Light - Living Room duration: 5min
metadata: name: Motion detection lights description: When motion is detected, turn on the lights, then turn them off after five minutes of stillness. automations: - starters: - type: device.state.MotionDetection device: sensor - Living Room state: motionDetectionEventInProgress is: true actions: - type: device.command.OnOff devices: - light - Living Room on: true - starters: - type: device.state.MotionDetection device: sensor - Living Room state: motionDetectionEventInProgress is: false for: 5min actions: - type: device.command.OnOff devices: - light - Living Room on: false
metadata: name: Occupancy sensor lights description: When an occupant is detected, turn on the lights, then turn them off after five minutes. automations: - starters: - type: device.state.OccupancySensing device: sensor - Living Room state: occupancy is: OCCUPIED actions: - type: device.command.OnOff devices: - light - Living Room on: true - starters: - type: device.state.OccupancySensing device: sensor - Living Room state: occupancy is: UNOCCUPIED for: 5min actions: - type: device.command.OnOff devices: - light - Living Room on: false
metadata: name: Occupancy sensor cameras description: Once the home is unoccupied, turn on cameras. automations: - starters: - type: home.state.HomePresence state: homePresenceMode is: AWAY actions: - type: device.command.OnOff devices: - Camera - Living Room on: true
metadata: name: Doorbell light alert description: When someone rings the doorbell, blink the lights in occupied room. automations: - starters: - type: device.event.DoorbellPress device: Front Door doorbell - Front Door condition: type: device.state.OccupancySensing device: sensor - Living Room state: occupancy is: OCCUPIED actions: - type: device.command.LightEffectPulse devices: - light - Living Room duration: 5min
metadata: name: Movie night blinds, lights, and appliances description: When Assistant hears the utterance "movie night", lower the blinds, turn off the lights, and pause certain noisy appliances. automations: - starters: - type: assistant.event.OkGoogle eventData: query is: "Movie Night" actions: - type: device.command.OnOff devices: - light - Living Room on: false - type: device.command.OpenClose devices: - blinds - Living Room openPercent: 0 - type: device.command.PauseUnpause devices: - washer - Hall pause: true
metadata: name: Occupancy sensor lights description: After dark, when someone arrives home, turn on lights, and turn off all lights when the home is unoccupied. automations: # Turn on certain lights after someone gets home after dark - starters: - type: home.state.HomePresence state: homePresenceMode is: HOME condition: type: time.between after: SUNSET before: SUNRISE actions: - type: device.command.OnOff devices: - light1 - Living Room - light2 - Front door on: true # Turn off all lights when everyone is away during the day - starters: - type: home.state.HomePresence state: homePresenceMode is: AWAY condition: type: time.between after: SUNRISE before: SUNSET actions: - type: device.command.OnOff devices: - light1 - Living Room - light2 - Front door - light3 - Bedroom on: false
metadata: name: Package Delivered description: When a package is delivered, send a notification. automations: - starters: - type: device.event.PackageDelivered device: Camera - Frontdoor actions: - type: home.command.Notification title: Package Delivered body: A package is delivered members: - cloudysanfrancisco@gmail.com
metadata: name: Open blinds description: Open blinds in the morning after motion is detected. automations: - starters: - type: device.event.MotionDetection device: Camera - Hallway suppressFor: 20 hours condition: type: time.between after: 5:00 before: 12:00 actions: - type: device.command.OpenClose openPercent: 100 devices: - Blinds1 - Living Room - Blinds2 - Family Room
metadata: name: Motion at home description: Send a notification when movement is detected at home on a weekday automations: - starters: - type: device.event.MotionDetection device: Camera - Frontdoor - type: device.event.MotionDetection device: Thermostat - Downstairs - type: device.event.MotionDetection device: SmokeDetector - Upstairs condition: type: time.between after: 09:00 before: 18:00 weekdays: - MON - TUE - WED - THU - FRI actions: - type: home.command.Notification title: Motion at home members: - cloudysanfrancisco@gmail.com - jeffersonloveshiking@gmail.com
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Последнее обновление: 2024-09-05 UTC.