DC Residents Without Health Insurance Can Get Covered Now

There are also new resources available on DCHealthLink.com for DC Health Link enrollees about how DC Health Link plans cover COVID-19. DC Health Link launched a Coronavirus page on March 13th where DC Health Link enrollees can find a simple summary chart highlighting how DC Health Link insurers cover COVID-19 related services.

For more information on new DC Health Link Coronavirus resources, visit https://www.dchealthlink.com/coronavirus.

For District residents, there are 25 private health insurance options from CareFirst Blue Cross Blue Shield and Kaiser Permanente for individuals and families. Eligible District residents can enroll in a health insurance plan online through DCHealthLink.com. Small businesses—as well as individuals and families eligible for Medicaid—can enroll through DCHealthLink.com at any point.

The Affordable Care Act provides individuals, families, and small businesses in the District of Columbia with affordable options for quality health insurance. DC Health Link is the District’s online health insurance marketplace which allows visitors to shop, compare, and enroll in coverage that fits their needs and budgets.